Understand How to Quickly Pass a Pee Test

Can You Get Fired Due To Prescription Medications?


We live in a world in which everything is under supervision and constant analysis. The success of a particular company depends on employee’s productivity; that is why owners decide to conduct a drug test before hiring anyone.

Using illegal drugs is not allowed, especially in the workplace; however, what will happen if you consume prescription medications? Some meds that are used to treat chronic pain can make you fail the test since labs are considering them as narcotics or opiates.

Therefore, if you fail a drug screening due to specific medications that you consume to treat some chronic issue, the company won’t be able to fire you or unable you to become an employee.

Of course, you can always find ways to pass the test by tampering with results however, there are always other ways. You should learn all the techniques for short notice cleansing on this site: cleardrugtests.com/how-to/best-way-pass-urine-drug-test-short-notice/

However, we can consider certain exceptions to this particular situation. 

What Is The Purpose Of Drug Screening?

You should have in mind that employee drug analysis is vital because it will help you ensure that you are working in a safe environment without anyone with an addiction. 

Companies have to protect themselves against workers that are under the influence because they are unreliable and prone to make mistakes that could cost plenty and even cause fatality to co-workers.

The main confusion starts when someone consumes prescription meds because they can show on a drug test, which means that you will be under the radar. 

At the same time, you will need proof and documentation that will state that you are using meds for a specific condition so that you can function correctly.

In case that you fail the test due to the consumption of meds that are approved by FDA and you have a relevant prescription from a certified physician, the first thing you should do is to find the prescription as well as a note from a doctor so that company would know that you are using it with reason.

You can also let the agency know before screening that you are consuming specific meds for health issues, which will help you gain confidence, and you do not have to explain later why the test was positive.

If you wish to learn more on prescription meds, you just have to click here.

Are There Exceptions?


Even if you have a legally obtained prescription from a certified physician on drugs that you have to consume to treat chronic pain, for instance, the employer could avoid hiring you. 

In case that you consume oxycodone for chronic and severe pain, and you have to handle responsible job such as being airline pilot, the employer cannot hire you due to risks that may endanger others as well as yourself.

The main reason for that is that these meds can affect your coordination and judgment, so you will not be able to operate heavy machinery. These meds can also cause impaired reaction time and foggy thinking, which may put others in danger.

Apart from that, the employer does not have an obligation to hire you in case you consume medical cannabis by using legal prescription, because it is still not allowed on federal levels. 

At the same time, the FDA has not approved it as a treatment for chronic conditions, which means that you can be fired as a result.

Times when you are protected

We have mentioned above that you will need appropriate proof that you are using medications for a specific reason and that you can still handle things around you without being impaired after taking them. 

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, it is illegal for companies to fire and discriminate you based on disability. 

Therefore, in this particular case, the employer cannot condition you to stop using meds so that you can start working, because that includes discrimination.

Facts You Should Know About Urinalysis

When employers are conducting screenings, the most common choice is urine drug test due to its accuracy, precision, non-invasive method of analysis, and affordable price tag. 

It became prominent after President Ronald Reagan created Executive Order 12564 (check the official website: https://www.archives.gov/federal-register/codification/executive-order/12564.html) for federal employees.

What about Private Sector?

When it comes to the private sector and drug testing, it is not mandatory, but it is advisable because that way companies could avoid legal issues that may happen in case of an accident or other forms of liabilities.

That is why companies are conducting urinalysis for detecting the presence of drug metabolites, and the goal is to promote a safe environment, to pay lower worker’s compensation premiums and avoid hiring drug addicts that could reduce overall productivity.

However, state legislation could affect drug testing programs and policies. Since state law has jurisdiction on companies within the area, they can mandate who is paying for screenings.

For instance, in New Jersey, employers have to pay for drug screenings except those for guard positions. Even though job candidates tend to finance their testing, and the employer will later compensate in case that you are hired.

Employee Rights You Should Know

If you refuse to take a urinalysis for detection of legal and illegal drugs, the employer could consider it as failed screening, especially if you are working under the Department of Transportation. 

According to most law experts, employees will not be able to collect unemployment benefits afterward. As soon as you fail the test, that will eliminate from the possibility of being hired and vice versa.

Some states will permit urine tests for potential candidates but only in-certified lab and under supervision. Soon afterward, the laboratory will directly contact an employer so that he/she can determine whether you can work or not.

When it comes to prescription meds, you can fail and still are hired in case that you have proof that you are consuming them due to some specific ailment. Of course, everything depends on how much you drink them and whether you are normal afterward, or slightly intoxicated.

Even if you think that you can work, you are also posing a considerable risk to the safety of co-workers, which is why most employers tend to avoid hiring people with prescription medication issues.

Fix the AC Problems with Regular Chemical Wash

AC becomes compulsory when hot weather comes in. The importance of having an AC is phenomenal. It actually helps people to get cool air and experience a pleasant time. But there are areas of concern which makes AC maintenance that much necessary. Often with so much dust underneath the AC, at times AC fails to perform at its usual best.

 Therefore to sort out the problems, the regular chemical wash is needed. You don’t let AC condition to go beyond and ask seasoned AC servicing to do the repair job.

 Chemicals wash and clean up practice –

Often most cases, AC performance can get affected by chemicals existence. These chemicals do present and affect the AC smooth workflow. Dirt and chemicals hamper the progress of AC. Things can go worse when you let the condition drifted and regret of not giving enough attention to the AC condition.

 To get the best performance of AC, regular chemicals wash is advisable. Most of the areas of AC often have chemicals which resulted in slow down the performance.

 Air con servicing for better and long lasting performance –

  The significance of air con servicing is phenomenal. Not only it requires an expert skill of AC technician but also makes AC produce decent performance. Chemicals, dust, and dirt mostly affect the AC and curtail its lifespan.  Good at aircon chemical wash you have to practice and try to solve the emerging AC issues. Performance wise AC would again work efficiently.

 Services brings the best result possible –

When you ask any reliable air con servicing they would definitely sort out the ongoing AC performance. Because of past work experience behind they mostly solve the risen AC related problems. When you approach the recommended air con services you need not have to concern.

 The certified and experts AC technician brings all his previous experience to fix the tough AC non- performance. Since AC becomes the need for people it is better to find out the actual cause of the frequent breakdown. Asking the trustworthy AC services enable you to understand what are the reasons of repetitive failures of AC.

 Approach reliable air con servicing –

AC problems often comprised of excessive load on the AC unit. A sudden breakdown can affect normal AC performance. To solve the risen problems, you need to approach reliable air con servicing.

 The committed AC services also are known for good at aircon repair have previous work experience.  To get the best performance from AC at least do the chemical wash along with monitor the AC condition.

 Fixing the AC problems requires expert skills-

If your AC gives you trouble often then you can call upon trusted air con servicing. The services would fix the AC remaining problems. Par excellence work and budget-friendly services you can only get from branded AC servicing.

 Hired AC technician inspects and suggests for the betterment of AC condition.  Expert skills along with loads of work experience are required to overcome the shortcoming in AC performance.  

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